Lever 2

Lever 2: Talent
The district prioritizes effective human resources systems to align and sustain staffing for their desired student experience through intentional recruitment, professional growth, and retention strategies for all staff, for ongoing improvement in meeting student needs.
Board of Trustees Commitments:
Board commitments describe what the governance teams do to ensure that local education agency systems are set up for success. These commitments are under review and will be available soon.
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2.1.1: Role Definition – District designs sustainable roles across the organization that have clear responsibilities and performance expectations aligned to the envisioned student experience and overall strategic priorities and plan. +
Success Criteria
Teacher role and job description have been written to position the teacher to effectively deliver the envisioned student experience and minimize operational and administrative burdens.
School leader roles and job descriptions have been written to coach and support teachers to effectively deliver the envisioned student experience, engage the broader school community (including families and students), build a strong staff culture, manage staff, and lead the campus with a clear student experience-aligned vision; roles minimize unnecessary operational and administrative burdens.
Leadership and key support roles for curriculum and instruction – including instructional coaches, principal managers, and leaders of curriculum and instruction – are designed to maximize support to effectively deliver the envisioned student experience and minimize operational and administrative burdens.
District provides efficient organizational structures and operational roles across the LEA to minimize operational and administrative burdens on campus-based staff while effectively delivering key operational needs.
2.1.2: Organizational Structure and Staffing Patterns – District assesses and adjusts organizational structure and staffing patterns to enable sustainable roles intentionally designed to deliver the envisioned student experience. +
Success Criteria
District implements an annual process for making changes to the organizational chart or staffing patterns based on staffing needs, including considering enrollment projections, unique campus-based needs, and strategy-based shifts that require reallocations.
District has a process to assess year-to-year staffing projections compared to actual staffing needs, which may include staff allocated specifically to managing and optimizing the staffing model.
District considers vendors and external support to complement internal capacity as needed.
2.1.3: Performance Expectation-Setting – District departments set high expectations for performance and consistently communicate performance expectations, during hiring, onboarding/induction, professional learning, and coaching structures. +
Success Criteria
District has clearly defined performance expectations or student experience-focused roles, aligned to key indicators of effectiveness, such as Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) and) Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (T-PESS).
District provides an evaluation system that identifies low and high performers and allows for opportunities to remove low-performing staff.
District articulates and promotes growth and continuous improvement in a manner appropriate for staff across varying experience levels.
2.1.4: Hiring and Evaluation Alignment – District aligns selection criteria and evaluation resources with roles and performance expectations. +
Success Criteria
District has timely, efficient, and responsive hiring practices.
District provides selection materials (including screening criteria, interview questions, performance tasks, scoring criteria/rubrics) to support the hiring process.
District has a collaboratively developed teacher and school leader profile and evaluation tools that align to the envisioned student experience, define the roles and responsibilities, and provide clear performance expectations.
2.1.5: Staffing for Greatest Impact – District implements strategies to ensure the most effective educators are placed in campuses and classrooms with higher student support needs, including staffing with student need in mind and providing incentives. +
Success Criteria
District proactively recruits and/or assigns highly effective teachers to higher-need campuses, considering student performance trends, grade levels, and subject areas.
District provides compelling incentives (monetary or nonmonetary) for highly effective teachers working at high-need campuses.
District requires that teachers hired at identified high-need campuses are designated, highly effective, and/or have a minimum level of years of experience.
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2.2.1: Staffing Projections – District uses short and long-term data to forecast campus and district staffing needs and sets targets to drive and evaluate recruitment and hiring. +
Success Criteria
District implements a process for the identification of enrollment/staffing needs, trends, and patterns with multiple data points to project current and future staffing needs.
District proactively surveys staff on their intent to stay in the district and/or campus to contribute to projections of anticipated new hire needs.
District makes decisions about continuation and discontinuation of roles in the context of staffing need projections on an annual (or more frequent) basis.
District sets target dates and deadlines for key steps in hiring and recruitment and monitors progress to make necessary adjustments in a timely manner.
2.2.2: Recruiting Systems – District implements proactive recruitment systems that meet district staffing needs, including ongoing talent pipeline practices such as early notice, early hiring, and competitive compensation. +
Success Criteria
District uses specific data (e.g., priority initiatives, vacancy data, demographics, analysis of recently exited teachers, local ed prep program efficacy, new hire preparation pathway, non-certified, etc.) to determine the district strengths and needs to identify the most effective talent pipeline practices and recruitment strategies.
District’s recruitment system plan includes developing, implementing, monitoring, and improving ongoing talent pipeline practices as a yearly, cyclical strategies for continued talent management.
District’s recruitment system plan includes developing, implementing, monitoring, and improving ongoing talent pipeline practices as a long-term approach for a sustainable talent ecosystem.
District has operationalized its recruitment systems plan into a yearly scope and sequence with an intentional, strategic timeline for both the talent pipeline practices and proactive recruitment strategies for early recruitment efforts.
District consistently tracks the success of recruitment efforts to determine high-yield strategies and pipelines.
2.2.3: Internal Recruitment – District implements internal recruitment strategies, including CTE education and training courses to maximize positive exposure to the teaching profession for current students, as well as pathways for paraprofessionals and other non-educator staff. +
Success Criteria
District has established CTE pathways with dual credit education and training course offerings for high school students to take teacher education courses.
District has established visible and actionable pathway(s) for paraprofessionals and non-educator staff to enter a teacher preparation pathway.
District implements recruitment strategies that positively promote the teaching profession to internal stakeholders.
District provides incentives for internal applicants to enter into teaching positions, with an emphasis on/including high need certification areas.
2.2.4: Educator Pipelines and Partnerships – District proactively manages effective educator pipelines and partnerships (including community colleges, undergraduate institutions, and EPPs), regularly assesses their effectiveness, and provides opportunities to hire strong incoming teachers to meet district needs. +
Success Criteria
District has established pipelines and partnerships with high-quality educator preparation programs.
District provides incentives for teachers hired from established pipelines and partnerships.
District manages, tracks, and provides ongoing counseling to candidates progressing through their pathways to standard certification and has established a system to monitor the effectiveness of educator preparation programs and partnerships in filling high-need vacancies.
District works coherently with all key partners, including community college partners, to create continuity in a candidate’s ability to meet coursework, credit attainment, and on the job training needs as they progress through their training and development.
2.2.5: Selection and Screening – District utilizes screening processes, selection criteria, and hiring processes to effectively evaluate a candidate’s knowledge, skills, and abilities. +
Success Criteria
District clearly outlines the process for hiring and the roles and responsibilities at the campus and district level.
District communicates and trains hiring managers on selection material use.
District provides a codified interview/selection guidebook and continuous training to hiring managers.
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2.3.1: Appraisal – District establishes annual staff appraisals that use multiple measures, including competencies and student growth, to identify performance levels. +
Success Criteria
District established an appraisal calendar, an evaluation timeline, and an aligned scope of training for appraisers.
District provides appraisal competencies tailored to specific roles and practices that align appraisal metrics to student growth indicators.
District provides training for appraisers that includes clearly defined performance levels and calibration on performance criteria, ensuring consistency in observation and evaluation.
2.3.2: Strategic Compensation – District finance, human resources, and educator development departments collaborate to create sustainable long-term strategic compensation systems that recognize, and reward educators based on appraisal and outcomes. +
Success Criteria
District plans and executes a system of strategic incentives directly aligned with district priorities.
District establishes criteria and a process to identify highly effective educators.
District leverages strategic compensation strategies based on specific needs and priorities.
District has a system to track the effectiveness of strategic compensation incentives in meeting the district’s priorities.
2.3.3: Educator Pathways – District provides career pathways and advancement opportunities to encourage staff retention and maximize student learning, including identifying mentors for novice teachers and supporting currently employed aspiring teachers. +
Success Criteria
District implements pathways that provide teachers opportunities to build capacity and explore leadership opportunities.
Educator pathways are aligned with district priorities.
District uses appraisal data to identify highly effective teachers to serve as mentor teachers.
2.3.4: Advancement and Retention – District and campus leaders implement district-level advancement and retention strategies driven by district performance expectations. +
Success Criteria
District coheres campus specific growth plans, appraisal data, and recommendations from campus leadership to determine if staff are meeting and exceeding role specific performance expectations and uses that analysis to forecast potential advancement trajectories for individuals.
District and campus leaders have a system for projecting the retention of effective teacher and school leaders throughout the school year.
District and campus leaders proactively communicate desire to retain and/or advance, positively reinforce, highlight relevant monetary or nonmonetary incentives, and provide other forms of individualized support or opportunities to effective staff year-round.
District uses data related to performance expectations to implement/support retention communication with staff (stay conversations)