Lever 4
Academic Experience

Lever 4: Academic Experience
The district establishes a framework for strong instruction, including the use of research-based strategies and high-quality instructional materials to support a rigorous student academic experience while ensuring equitable access and resources to prepare students for college, career, or military pathways.
Board of Trustees Commitments:
Board commitments describe what the governance teams do to ensure that local education agency systems are set up for success. These commitments are under review and will be available soon.
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4.1.1: Coherent Multi-tiered Systems of Support Design – District defines and provides training on a coherent approach to Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 academic supports. +
Success Criteria
District establishes the expectation for campuses to implement a multi-tiered approach to supporting students academically, including evidence-based universal, targeted, and intensive approaches.
District establishes clear roles and responsibilities for implementing the multi-tiered approach at the district and campus levels.
District develops a manual or plan documenting data-based assessment and progress monitoring procedures for the identification, implementation, and removal from interventions and supports at Tiers 2 and 3.
District establishes processes to communicate to families when a student receives an intervention strategy, a strategy in a multi-tiered system of supports that is above the level of instruction generally used in that system with all children.
District provides effective special populations supports for students through a variety of structured programs and services to address students’ unique academic needs.
4.1.2: Tier 1 Instructional Strategies and Supports for All Learners – District builds and orients staff to an instructional framework rooted in research-based Tier 1 instructional strategies aligned to content (e.g., math, reading) and designed for memory formation and deeper learning and supportive of all learners. +
Success Criteria
District outlines and communicates research-based Tier 1 instructional strategies within specific content areas, covering at a minimum math and reading, including:
- RLA: Explicit and systematic practice with foundational literacy skills, as well as practice with grade-level complex texts, text-based responses, and building knowledge and vocabulary
- Math: Balancing conceptual and procedural skills and fluency, ensuring time and effort is focused on the most important topics and TEKS, concepts connect across units and grade levels, and students have opportunities for productive struggle with math problems
District outlines and communicates research-based Tier 1 instructional strategies designed to support deeper learning through intentional design for learner variability, including:
- Universal design for learning including multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression
- Content-based language instruction to develop language within the context of content delivery in the primary language and/or English that connects to second language acquisition, diversified supports, and culturally and linguistically sustaining practices
4.1.3: Coherent Extended Time, Tutoring, Interventions Approach – District designs and orients staff to a coherent, research-based approach to extended time, tutoring, and interventions that aligns with the overall multi-tiered system of supports. +
Success Criteria
District establishes expectations for extended time, tutoring time, and any intervention time that must be aligned with the overall multi-tiered system of support strategy and Tier 1 content and instruction.
District supports campus in developing plans for extended time to meet student academic needs, staff development needs, and enrichment needs.
District supports campus in establishing intervention time (e.g., tutoring, extended time, etc.) in alignment with research-based strategies, including staff training and coaching, materials and resource selection, data monitoring, and scheduling.
District ensures that progress monitoring is conducted consistently to identify the possible need for evaluation for a disability, intensification of support, or removal from interventions.
4.1.4: Aligned Assessment System – District creates an assessment framework aligned to high-quality instructional materials, ensuring the use of curriculum-embedded assessments, to enable strong implementation of instructional materials. +
Success Criteria
District establishes a framework of assessment types and purposes to aligned to assessment literacy best practices.
District provides an inventory of all approved assessments aligned to the district assessment framework.
District provides clear guidance for assessment administration, data collection and reporting processes, and data- driven decision making.
District provides timely assessment data and a process for analysis to inform instructional adjustments within the instructional materials.
District ensures that lesson, unit, and interim assessments are consistently administered in alignment with the conceptual understandings, procedural skills, and knowledge learned in the high-quality instructional material.
4.1.5: [If relevant] Early Childhood Strategies – District establishes a research-based early childhood instructional delivery model aligned to Kindergarten Readiness standards and development of critical skills. +
Success Criteria
District provides training for early childhood staff based on Kindergarten Readiness Standards.
District early childhood instructional delivery model includes the development of critical cognitive and noncognitive skills for school readiness, including play-based instruction.
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4.2.1: Systematic Process for Materials Review – District establishes adoption processes to routinely evaluate and select high-quality instructional materials following local board policy. +
Success Criteria
District establishes a committee of various stakeholders (content experts, campus, and district leaders) to engage in a rigorous vetting process aligned to the district vision to select and adopt high-quality instructional materials.
District establishes a clear process for evaluating and selecting high-quality instructional materials that includes assessing TEKS alignment, appropriate level of rigor, alignment to content-specific research-based instructional strategies, embedded support for special populations.
District engages in the materials review process on a timeline that is conducive to procure print or digital access and provides clear communications to all key stakeholders.
District establishes a clear process for collecting feedback on instructional materials adoption and identifies and communicates opportunities for improvement.
4.2.2: Materials Use Expectation-setting and Communication – District establishes and communicates clear guidelines for instructional materials decision-making authority and expectations for use and implementation at the district, campus, and classroom levels. +
Success Criteria
District regularly reviews and communicates the instructional materials implementation guidelines.
District provides clear expectations for the use and implementation of instructional materials, including clarity on allowable deviations or changes and use expectations within specialized settings.
District provides a list of approved instructional materials and scope and sequence documents for all subjects.
4.2.3: Quality Tier 1 Materials Access and Use – District ensures that teachers have access to and use instructional materials that fully cover state standards, are aligned to research-based instructional strategies, and can be used to meet the needs of all students. +
Success Criteria
District-adopted instructional materials, including yearly scope and sequences, unit plans, and lesson plans, fully cover the TEKS and ELPS.
District-adopted instructional materials include research-based instructional strategies (RBIS) for RLA and the Science of Teaching Reading (STR), specifically explicit and systematic practice with foundational literacy skills and practice with grade-level complex texts, text-based responses, and building knowledge and vocabulary.
District-adopted instructional materials are aligned to research-based instructional strategies (RBIS) for math, specifically balancing conceptual and procedural skills and fluency, ensuring time and effort are focused on the most important topics and TEKS, concepts connect coherently across units and grade levels, and students have opportunities for productive struggle with math problems.
District-adopted instructional materials have Universal Design for Learning (UDL) options to support content access and participation for all students, particularly special populations.
District-adopted Tier 1 instructional materials have sufficient, well-structured, and coherent material for differentiated student support, ensuring that students all students, including students receiving special education and emergent bilingual services have access to the curriculum.
4.2.4: Quality, Aligned Tier 2 and 3 Materials Access and Use (Same as previous Essential Action 4.2.1) – District ensures that instructional materials and aligned assessments include quality Tier 2 and 3 supports aligned to research-based intervention strategies and inclusive of ongoing progress monitoring support. +
Success Criteria
District-adopted instructional materials are inclusive of aligned material for interventions supportive of Tier 2 and 3 strategies, that is coherent with material being used in Tier 1 instruction.
District provides guidance on the use of instructional materials for Tier 2 and 3 interventions and supports in a research-based manner, and coherent with plan and expectations for extended time, tutoring, and interventions time.
District establishes a process for monitoring the use of Tier 2 and 3 instructional materials to evaluate effectiveness.
4.2.5: Implementation Monitoring for Alignment to District Curriculum and Instruction Approach – District establishes routine monitoring systems to ensure campuses implement district-adopted instructional materials, utilize internalization and instructional planning, and follow the required scope and sequence and aligned assessments. +
Success Criteria
District establishes a process to monitor the implementation of adopted instructional materials on campuses.
District monitors the administration of assessments in alignment with district- assessment calendar.
District provides support and resources for campuses to monitor internalization and instructional planning to inform job-embedded coaching supports.
District provides feedback to campus leadership to support fidelity of implementation of district-adopted materials and uses this information to drive professional learning and job-embedded coaching and collaboration strategies.
4.2.6: Parent Access to Instructional Materials – District implements a system for providing parents access to the curriculum and instructional materials taught in classrooms. +
Success Criteria
District provides an online platform or portal to allow parents to view all curriculum and instructional materials.
District has a process in place for parents to request curriculum and instructional materials for review and to address any questions they may have pertaining to the curriculum and/or instructional materials.
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4.3.1: CCMP Course Access – District ensures and monitors that campuses provide equitable student access to rigorous and challenging courses. +
Success Criteria
District reviews course offerings and ensures students have equitable course access regardless of campus.
District partners with local institutions of higher education to offer dual enrollment courses as appropriate.
District provides pathways for students to earn industry-based certifications.
District implements career and technical education and training courses to maximize positive exposure to the teaching profession.
District effectively communicates with families and students about CCMP course offerings and access opportunities.
4.3.2: Academic Policy – District develops and reviews policies and administrative regulations to ensure equitable grading and advancement practices and access to special programming (magnet schools, academies, etc.). +
Success Criteria
District has clear academic and grading policies and monitors campus alignment to expectations.
District ensures alignment of grading policies with instructional materials, and effective communication with families on proficiency aligned to instructional materials.
District develops and reviews policies and administrative regulations to ensure equitable grading and advancement practices and access to special programming (magnet schools, academies, etc.).
4.3.3: Graduation Pathways – District ensures campuses offer equitable graduation pathways and provides campuses with readiness criteria, course sequence, and expectations. +
Success Criteria
District has clear graduation guidelines available to all students and families.
District ensures campuses have appropriate counseling staff to review and work with students on graduation pathways.
District provides tools and resources to support school counselors in maximizing student opportunities to participate in high-growth, high-demand occupations and identifies work-based learning opportunities for those pathways.
District provides guidance on required and recommended data collection for students with disabilities related to graduation, including documenting progress toward meeting graduation requirements and related IEP goals.
4.3.4: Career Readiness – District identifies pathways that maximize students’ opportunities to participate in high-growth, high-demand occupations and identifies work-based learning opportunities for those pathways. +
Success Criteria
District has clear pathways and communicates with parents and students about each pathway.
District works with the community to provide opportunities for students to visit colleges, intern with businesses, etc.
4.3.5: Advising – District provides high quality advising to support students in accessing CCMP-aligned courses and opportunities to ensure students graduate prepared for postsecondary life. +
Success Criteria
District sets clear roles and expectations for advising leaders (counselors, advisors, principal, teacher leaders), including considering the role of potential external partners and advisors where applicable.
District ensures adequate staffing and capacity of advising leaders across all campuses and provides training and guidance to effectively implement individual and informational planning meetings.
District sets up a system of family engagement and support, including relevant academic and career development opportunities as well as graduation requirements.
District establishes a strong caseload management system to support advising.
District advising system is informed by annual needs assessment around college, career, and military readiness, and annually improved based on student and family feedback and data.