The Effective District Framework
A clear vision for what districts and schools across the state do to ensure an excellent education for all Texas students.
The Effective District Framework Impact Model

Lever 1
Planning and Performance Management
The district creates a clear and compelling vision for student success. It develops a strategic road map with key strategies and
emphasizes the importance of implementation planning, project management, and continuous performance assessment. The
district aims to instill a culture of ongoing improvement throughout the organization.
1.1 Vision, Mission, Guiding Principles
Establish and refine a clear vision for student success and an aligned mission and guiding principles
1.2 Strategic Plan
Develop and refine a multi-year strategic plan with high-leverage strategies the district will implement to achieve its vision
and goals
1.3 Implementing Planning and Project Management
Plan for and project manage implementation of prioritized district initiatives
1.4 Performance Management
Establish clear expectations for evaluating the effectiveness of district programs and initiatives to drive continuous improvement
1.5 Organizational Foundations for Continuous Improvement
Establish and sustain a district-wide commitment to continuous improvement in culture and key practices
Lever 2
The district prioritizes effective human resources systems to align and sustain staffing for their desired student experience through intentional recruitment, professional growth, and retention strategies for all staff, for ongoing improvement in meeting student needs.
2.1 Intentional Roles and Staffing
Align human capital systems to enable sustainable roles intentionally designed to deliver the envisioned student
2.2 Recruitment and Selection
Intentionally recruit and select educators and school leaders well-prepared to provide high quality instruction and services to each student
2.3 Growth and Retention Strategies
Establish systems for educator professional growth and retention strategies informed by evaluation effectiveness
Lever 3
Integrated Student Support Systems
The district establishes proactive and responsive systems to provide student supports addressing student needs across academic, mental, emotional, social, wellness, and behavioral aspects, focusing on fostering a positive school culture and empowering staff to address student needs.
3.1 Framework for a Comprehensive Multi-tiered System of Supports
Establish and communicate an integrated multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework aligned to evidence-based prevention and intervention practices to support the academic and non-academic needs of all students, providing guidance on routine progress monitoring and data-driven decision making (supportive of Essential Action 4.1)
3.2 School-wide Culture, Behavior, Safety
Establish strong school culture, behavior, and safety systems (aligned to 3.1)
3.3 Interventions and Supports
Establish systems, resources, and training to enable staff to identify and respond to needs and provide timely targeted
responses to reduce barriers to learning and promote trust, belonging, safety, growth mindset, and self-regulation (aligned to 3.1)
3.4 Early Childhood
Establish systems, resources, and programming to engage and support the development of young children
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Academic Experiences
The district establishes a framework for strong instruction, including the use of research-based strategies and high-quality instructional materials to support a rigorous student academic experience while ensuring access and resources to prepare students for college, career, or military pathways.
4.1 Framework for a Rigorous Multi-tiered Academic Experience
Establish and communicate research-based strategy and approach for strong multi-tiered instruction and supports,
inclusive of content and curriculum-aligned intervention, additional and personalized learning time, and special populations
strategies (supportive of Essential Action 3.1)
4.2 Management of Curriculum and Instruction
Establish a materials adoption process, including clear expectations for implementation and aligning key enabling systems
4.3 College, Career, and Military Prep Course Offerings and Graduation
Programs of Study
Provide access to course offerings and graduation pathways that provide students with the knowledge and skills
necessary for college, career, and military readiness
Lever 5
Instructional Leadership and Capacity Building
Systems are established to enable instructional leadership development and capacity building for instructional leaders and
teachers, including planning, internalization, and effective delivery of instruction. The district ensures foundational practices
support data-driven instruction and assessment reflection benefiting all learners.
5.1 Instructional Leadership and Development Enabling Conditions
Establish expectations and foundational systems for instructional leadership and development
5.2 Instructional Planning and Delivery
Establish role-aligned job-embedded capacity building supports for instructional leaders and teachers to internalize, prepare for, and deliver instruction in a strong classroom environment
5.3 Data-Driven Instruction, Assessment Reflection, and Targeted Supports
Establish expectations and foundational systems that support utilizing data to support all learners
Lever 6
Finance and Operations
The district strategically aligns resources with their desired student experience, emphasizing safety, security, and operational
efficiency. The district empowers parents to ensure access to all school options while prioritizing student support across all
6.1 Teacher and Student Time
Ensure sufficient time in the calendar year and school day for an impactful student experience and staff preparation and
6.2 Budget and Finance
Strategically plan for an allocate resources in alignment with envisioned student experience and compliance needs
6.3 Enrollment and Access
Empower parents by helping them understand, enroll in, and attend their desired school. District leaders establish
enrollment policies and practices that provide students access to all the district’s school options
6.4 Technology and Data Systems
Strategically plan for and allocate resources that are compatible and support both academic and non-academic structures
as well as meet all data security and protection requirements
6.5 Site Operations
Strategically plan for and allocate resources in alignment with envisioned student experience and compliance needs